January 2005

January 2005

The Limitations Act, S.S. 2004, c. L-16.1,

January, 2005 – The Limitations Act, S.S. 2004, c. L-16.1, will be proclaimed in force on May 1, 2005.

The Limitations Act, S.S. 2004, c. L-16.1, will be proclaimed in force on May 1, 2005.  This act provides for a basic limitation period of 2 years which runs from discovery of the cause of action and an ultimate limitation period of 15 years, except for persons under a disability, and actions resulting from sexual assault and certain other assaults.

Limitation periods contained in other stautues, including The Saskatchewan Insurance Act and The Credit Union Act, 1998, are in most cases being repealed. 

Consumer Credit Division

4th Floor, 2365 Albert Street

Regina, SK, S4P 4K1

Tel: (306)787-6700

Fax: (306)787-9006

Email: fid@gov.sk.ca

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